Top resources to learn about Agile & Scrum — Medium blogs
Hello and welcome back to my Medium blog!
In the first article we have taken a look at my top list of podcasts about Agile and related topics. Today is the turn for Medium blogs.
I really like the Medium platform not only as a tool for sharing my ideas and thoughts but also as a source of inspiration and continuous learning. There are too many interesting articles and notes here to try to mention all of them, so today I will mention only those blogs that I try to read on the regular basis.
- Christiaan Verwijs & Barry Overeem — though having two separate blogs, these guys work together on the regular basis and share a lot of useful insights and real-life cases about Scrum, Liberating Structures and other useful stuff. Their “Scrum Mythbusters” series (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12) is, in my opinion, a must-read for every Scrum Master, especially those green ones.
- John Cutler is an author and practitioner who regularly shares useful tips & tricks about product side of things in the Hacker Noon. But besides being a “Product development nut”, he is also a great team player who regularly goes beyond the product stuff sharing his thoughts about Agile (e.g. 1, 2), team dynamics (3, 4) and many other interesting topics.
- The Flow is a blog I have opened myself not so long time ago. However, it was one of these openings, when you accidentally visit the blog’s main page and then come to consciousness one hour later having read about 8–10 articles in a row. The Flow’s main focus is “on culture, focus and teamwork.”
- The Ready states its goal as “changing how the world works, one organization at a time” and features different interesting topics about organizational structures, cross-functionality and agility. I have started following this blog after reading their “How to build your own “Spotify model” article, which occurred to be very relevant to me at that specific moment. And there is still a lot of interesting and useful stuff to read there.
- Innential’s main focus is on “fostering potential”. It isn’t just another blog with “general” articles containing such buzzwords as “leadership”, “motivation” and “creativity”. In Innential you are going to find lots of interesting interviews with successful entrepreneurs and professionals who live these principles and use them as their motto.
Thanks once again for reading! Hope you have found something useful in this article. If yes, please let me know by clapping, and see you next time with the overview of my top choice Newsletters.